2012년 6월 29일 금요일


- Instructions
Note: You must have administrative rights on the computer to install SQL Server Express.

Step 1: Download and install Windows Installer 3.1.

Step 2: For 32-bit platforms, download and install the 32-bit version of Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. For 64-bit platforms (x64 and EMT64 only), download and install the 64-bit version of Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.

- System requirements
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1, Windows XP Service Pack 2

• Computer with Intel or compatible Pentium III 600 MHz or faster processor(1 GHz or faster is recommended.)
• Minimum of 192 MB of RAM (512 MB or more is recommended.)
• 525 MB of available hard disk space

- Install SQLEXPR.EXE and then SQLSever2005_SSMEE.msi

- As UNIS is not working, items to be confirmed.

  1. 1. Checking ODBC Setting
    (1)   Check db_owner at SQL Server Management > Security > Logins > unisuser
           > User Mapping.
(2) Select Enable for TCP/IP at Microsoft SQL Server > Configuration Tool
         > SQL Server Configuration Manager.

2. Check ODBC
    (1)   Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC)
    (2)   Click [System DNS] and select UNIS.
    (3)   Click [Configure].

(4) Check values and then click [Next].

(5) Select the second one
     Put unisuser for ID and unisamho for password.
     Click [Clien Configuration].

(6) Put 1433 for Port number.

(7) Select UNIS as default data base and click [Next].

(8) Click [Finish] and test it.

 (9) If test result is appeares as blew, it works fine.

If you have further inquiry, please feel free to contact us
* Tech Support : alice@virditech.com

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